Cason's Big Adventures

Cason's Big Adventures

Cason's birthday

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

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Sweet Boy!!


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December 22, 2009

36 weeks & counting!!!

WOW!! Time really DOES fly when you're having fun, huh?! Can't believe it's almost here....
We just LOVE hearing all the little sayings of "wow, you've dropped!" and "man, he could come at any time, huh?!"..... What a miracle & a blessing!! We're eagerly anticipating the little man's arrival so we'll give you an update on weeks 36 and 37.
We finished our last Childbirth Class at Baptist on December 8 and loved every minute of it. They gave us a diploma and everything, so I guess they're going to let us have a baby now!! hahaha. I mean, what happens if you flunk that kind of class?... hmm... just something to think about! =o)
We were supposed to meet with Dr. Johnson for our parenting class at church on the 9th, but he had an emergency with a patient, so we had to cancel class. But we plan on meeting next week, so we'll be able to catch up then. We really like Dr. Johnson and (in case I haven't mentioned it before) I think we've decided on him as our pediatrician. He's so easy to talk to (for both of us) and either one of us would feel comfortable taking the little guy to see him. Plus he's a big football fan (University of Arkansas) and golf fan (he marshals a hole at the Master's every year!) so he's pretty awesome!
It was kind of a slow week for us, because with the holidays coming up, we've made a point to try and rest and not run ourselves ragged. Most of this week was just dr's appointments and classes.
On December 11, we had an appointment for another ultrasound (BPP) and a visit with Dr. Rossell again. We found out that the little guy is measuring just a little bigger than last week, but didn't get an exact weight. Happy and healthy and that's good to hear!! Mom found out that she tested positive for Group B Strep (GBS) but it's nothing to really be concerned about. About 50% of the population has it and it's no big deal, but the dr's don't want it being passed to the baby. So, when and if Mom's water breaks, we have to head to the hospital immediately instead of being able to labor at home until contractions are closer together. By testing positive for GBS, they will have to give Mom 2 rounds of antibiotics before we give birth. No biggie, just another part of the adventure!!!
Saturday was a bit boring but it was nice because we didn't have anything to do.... Yes, it was nice but we're so used to having football that we were somewhat out of sorts most of the day.. But it was so nice to sleep in and get some rest and just relax all day! We did a little shopping for the baby too and that's always fun!!
Sunday the 13th we did more shopping for the little man after church - and after Cracker Barrel of course!!! hahaha. We were able to get the little guys swing AND pack-n-play and that was so fun!! You gotta LOVE gift cards!!! hehehe... Like Yogi Berra said in the old AFLAC commercials "and that's just as good as money!"... hahaha =o)
We had another appointment at the dr's office on Tuesday the 15th for a NST. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, and hear him kick the monitors. It's so funny!! He's so still sometimes, our little mellow fellow, and other times, he kicks the monitor like it's a soccer ball!! Today though he was really active. Mom found that a small glass of lemonade and a cookie about an hour before your appointment makes ALL the difference!! hahaha.. Yep, get him on a sugar high!!!
Wednesday the 16th was Sweet Cousin Emma's birthday and she turned 6 years old!!! WOW!! Hard to believe that she's 6 already!! I remember when we went to Tallahassee for Christmas right after she was born and she was just about the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I wanted to smooch her all the time!!! She's such a big girl now and she's in Kindergarten and is just so precocious and bright and funny!! Just love her to pieces!!! Happy Birthday Em!!

Thursday night we watched the Jags and Indy play and that was such a great game!!! The Jags almost pulled out an upset and beat the undefeated Colts. How awesome would THAT have been!?!?!?!?!

We had another dr appointment on Friday for an ultrasound (BPP) and follow up with Dr. Brown. We hadn't met Dr. Brown yet, and he was the last dr in the practice that Dr. Lipsitz wanted us to visit with. Dr. Brown is actually the person that brought the dr's in this practice together. He seems very laid back and "old school" plus he's the only male doctor in the office, so I'm sure that adds to his mellow-ness. The BPP looked good and the little man is still measuring 8 for 8 (meaning that he's doing everything he should be doing - practice breathing, measuring just right, amniotic fluid is good, heart and lungs look good). He's around 7lbs 5oz right now, give or take a few ounces... He's a big boy that's for sure!! Yea - chubby baby!!!

At 36 weeks, the little guy is still packing on weight, about an ounce a day, give or take. He should weigh approximately 6lbs, is more than 18 1/2 inches long and is shedding most of the down hair covering his body. At the end of the 36th week, the baby is considered full term and is most likely in a head-down position. Still no problems with sleeping, or eating or getting around, but the ankles are starting to swell just a little and we're drinking LOTS of water!! Here's a pic of what he might look like at 36 weeks.

At 37 weeks, the little guy could come at any time, but it's ok because his lungs are fully developed and he could easily adjust to life outside the womb. He should weigh approximately 6 1/3 lbs and is about 19 inches long head to heel. It's also possible that the little one could be born with a full head of hair, even up to 1 1/2 inches long. We'll have to keep an eye out for any signs of possible red or blond hair!! Here's a pic of what he could look like at 37 weeks.

We're going to do our best to update everyone as Christmas gets closer on how we're doing. So far, so good. Mom is feeling great, Dad is doing great also and we're both very excited and anxious for our little miracle to make his debut!
Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Love you all,
Dad, Mom & Cason (AKA Lil Duck)
December 3, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

We're so happy it's finally Turkey day!!! (Mom here with the latest.....) That means we are that much closer to our little guy making his debut into the world. We're trying not to get too anxious, but we're very excited!!
Weeks 34 & 35 were busy for us all because we had SO MUCH going on and LOTS of family in town. It was a short work week for Mom & Dad - just working Monday, Tuesday and 1/2 a day Wednesday - and it was awesome!! Gamma, Gaga, Auntie Carol and Oakley came to visit and we had SO much fun!!! Everyone arrived on Tuesday and it was unpack-then-chill-out-time....
Ah....vacation had begun!!!
On Wednesday afternoon, we all met for lunch at Burger King and then Gamma & Auntie Carol went with us (Mom & Dad) to our dr's appointment. (Gaga was waiting in the van listing to Rush Limbaugh!!! hehe) We had an appointment that day for an ultrasound and a visit with Dr. Lipsitz. That was lots of fun because not only did everyone get to meet our dr that will deliver our baby, but they were able to be there for the ultrasound as well. They were able to see him rolling, moving, squirming and in general just having a good time in his little confined apartment. Gamma & Auntie Carol were just too cute with their "Ooohs", "Ahhhs" and general "Too Cool" comments... We were so glad that they could be part of that!!
Dr. Lipsitz again said that everything is progressing normally. Blood pressure and blood sugars look good, weight is good, amniotic fluid is good (a little higher than normal, but with the gestational diabetes, higher IS normal) and the little guy is still growing very well - not too big or too small. That's always good to hear!! We're still on for January 5, but we're taking it week by week to see how it goes. YEA!!
After our dr's appointment, we all (including Gaga) loaded up and headed over to Gaylord Opryland to go to the ICE! exhibit. This year it was a new theme "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and Mom has been antsy to get over there to see it!! We only waited in line about 15 minutes and then we were "in" and yes I'm sure I'm biased, but it was FAN-FLIPPIN-TASTIC!!! There was even a slide made entirely of ice - Dad, Gaga & Auntie Carol rode it and they giggled like 5 year-olds!!!!The entire Charlie Brown Christmas story sculpted in ice.. it was only 9 degrees and it was so great... (I promise to get pictures posted as soon as I can.) At the end of the exhibit is a Nativity scene sculpted from ice also and it was just gorgeous... it sparkled like glass and was so beautiful!!

(Auntie Carol was taking the picture!!)

After ICE! we walked over to the Opryland Hotel and walked for a while looking at all the spectacular lights. Waaaaaay too many to try to count!!! But it really puts you in the Christmas spirit to see them all. "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you goooooooo".... hehehe...... We left Opryland Hotel and drove to Longhorn for dinner and had a yummy meal, then headed home to get some rest... we were pooped from all of our activities of the day, but it was soooo worth it!! Fun exhaustion is the best!! =o)

Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, was awesome because the house smelled like FOOD all day long!! Gaga cooked a turkey and we had ham, green beans, sweet potatoes, mac-n-cheese, and rolls.... I know we had more, but I guess I'm still "turkey drunk" and can't remember... hahaha. Oh and pies - Apple and Pumpkin Pies.... YUM!! To say we ate like kings would be an understatement!! hahaha...

Friday morning (Black Friday) was NOT an early one in our house. We had planned to do a little shopping, but I wasn't going to be able to be one of those "at the stores at 3 am waiting in line" folks this year. I HAD to get some sleep after spending all day eating the day before! haha. Gamma, Auntie Carol and I did venture out later on though, probably around 1 or 2, and we were back by 5 (I think). We hit about 4 or 5 stores, but after being out in the crowds and traffic, it just takes too much out of you, energy-wise, so we decided to call it a day... We had gotten some pretty darn good bargains too, so it was a very productive trip! =o)

The rest of the weekend was spent watching LOTS of football, and finishing up the leftovers! What's so nice about the long Thanksgiving weekend is you have two days to eat and go-go-go, then you still have the actual weekend to lay around and be lazy and recover!!! Plus it helps to have a houseful to help clean out the fridge!! hehe.

Monday the 30th we had to head back to work (boo!) and Gamma, Gaga, Auntie Carol and Oakley had to head home. We were sad to see them go because we love having them come visit. Maybe sometime soon we'll have more comfortable furniture that doesn't swallow each person when they sit down on it!! hahaha. Gamma needed just as much help getting up off the couch and I did!! haha. Plus it was so nice to have Oakley there - there's nothing like Puppy Lovin'!!

Tuesday, the 1st we had another NST scheduled and everything went great. We started week 35 that day and we were anxious to hear our little guy moving around. He had had a very active few days prior, so we were curious if he would be that active at the dr's office too. His heart rate was holding steady around 146-156 bpm, and he was just kicking away. He loves to kick/punch/grab at the monitors and make the loud knocking sounds. Terri, the tech who does our testing, says that sometimes to the little ones, that monitor is like cat nip and they just reach out at it!! It was too cute!!
Tuesday night was our next-to-last Childbirth Class at Baptist and we really had a good time (as usual). We got a chance to tour the maternity area, including getting to visit and actual Labor and Delivery Room. We also had a chance to tour the nursery area, and see the lactation boutique, which is where you can go with any questions about breastfeeding or get any supplies you might need. It was awesome to see where our little man will make his debut to the world!! Also, seeing where we would be helped get rid of some of the the nervousness of the unknown when it comes "GO TIME"!! We stayed after class a little later with some other couples to practice our breathing and pushing techniques. We really like our instructor Ms. Geri, and she makes our classes so fun!!
We had a GREAT day on Wednesday the 2nd. I had a baby shower at work, and it was so completely overwhelming!!! (Yes, I cried!!! hahaha) We received so many wonderful things from so many thoughtful and gracious friends that we've worked with over the last several years!! We received LOTS of homemade gifts like burp cloths, and blankets and quilts. We also received LOTS of things we had registered for like our potty training potty, receiving blankets, sleeping wedges, and bottles. My group also gave us our travel system which includes the stroller AND the car seat!!! I couldn't believe it!!! It was so generous of them to do that and I was just overwhelmed with emotion.. it meant so much to me (and Dad of course) for them to be so thoughtful and giving!! Words just can't say how appreciative we are!! Truly blessed, just truly, truly blessed!!! =o)
We had another dr's appointment on Friday the 4th for a BPP to measure the little guy, and a follow up with Dr. Rossell. She's one of the dr's that we haven't met in the practice yet. The BPP went really well and the little guy wasn't as active that day which was kind of nice because usually he's all over the place!! hahaha. I like to think he gets excited knowing that we're going to see him!! Looks like he's still measuring a little ahead of his due date and is around 6lbs or so (WOW!!!) He had a restful day that day, so he was very "chill"... He was our Mellow Fellow that day!!
Our SOS softball team Christmas party was Friday night and the whole team (minus a few that had prior commitments) went to Brad's house. As usual, the food & company were great!! There were a few guys and wives that we hadn't seen in quite a while! Some because we hadn't seen them since the end of ball season in August. Some because we go to services at church at different times and just miss one another. We ate some awesome food catered by Black Eyed Pea (love that place!!) and of course they had banana pudding, YUM!!! Then we played Dirty Santa and of course Scott had to put a picture of himself in the mix... He's just not right, bless his heart!! hahaha.. but you've gotta know Scott... to know him is to love him.. I think!! hahaha... =o)
On Saturday the 5th we woke up early and headed down to Atlanta to see Uncle Danny & Aunt Holly for the SEC championship game of Florida vs. Alabama. Our road trip started out a little, well, difficult because it had snowed some south of Nashville and we got sort of stuck in "snow traffic" on the way down - took about 3 hours to get to Monteagle.... NOT a fun part of the trip!! But once we were past Manchester, it was smooth sailing - COLD but smooth!! hahaha.
We finally made it into Atlanta about 2 hours before game time. We had plenty of time to park (about 300 yards away) & walk to the Georgia Dome and get a late lunch before the game started. It did not end well for the Gators (we lost 32-13 to a VERY GOOD Alabama team), so I don't really have alot to say about the game. We were sad. It was hard to watch at times. It stung, ALOT! ... but the company was great & it was awesome to see Uncle Danny & Aunt Holly one last time before the little man arrives. We spent the night in Atlanta (love, love, love the Embassy Suites) and then headed home Sunday at noon listening to the Jags and Houston play...
HOLY COW - we'll be 36 weeks along on Tuesday!!! WOW!! God is so good!!
As far as development, week 34 he continues to put on "baby" fat and fill out. He "should" be weighing in at about 4 3/4 lbs (the size of a cantaloupe) and is about 18 inches long. His skin is getting smoother and his central nervous system is maturing. His lungs are also maturing which is awesome. If he's born between now and 37 weeks, his lungs are developed enough that he shouldn't have any issues. This is a likeness of what he may look like at 34 weeks.

By Week 35, he's running out of room in there!!! Rolling around and moving is getting a little more difficult for him. He should be tipping the scales at around 5 1/4 lbs ( the size of a honeydew melon) and a little over 18 inches. He's kicking up a storm, but the somersaults aren't as frequent because the space is limited. His kidneys are fully developed now and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete!! Now we just wait, pray and wonder!! This is a likeness of what he might look like at 35 weeks.

Time is getting short.... He'll be here before we know it!! God is Great and we can't thank HIM enough for the wonderful opportunity to be parents. Not a day goes by that I'm not reminded of how great He is and how blessed WE are!!!

Until next time.... Love, love, love,

November 23, 2009

Cason's on his way....

....and he'll be here soon!! Mom here this time....We're so excited, happy, blessed and overjoyed with our little man on the way..... We've only got a few weeks left to prepare for his arrival!!
Weeks 32 and 33 were so awesome!!
We've been steadily going to our childbirth classes at Baptist (our 3rd class) and we've had our EPT classes at church (ok well just one EPT class, and it was mainly just chatting with Dr. Johnson, but it still counts!!!) Our classes at Baptist are so much fun! During our 3rd class we learned about anesthesia, and breathing and relaxation techniques. We saw an actual epidural being administered and I have to say, I didn't freak out!! I was a little nervous about the epidural because I watched a video of one VERY early on in my pregnancy and that was just enough to make me panic.... but I got past it, after some scolding from dad, of course!! =o)
We also learned different methods of breathing and relaxation; breathing through contractions, breathing to relax, breathing to keep from freaking out that this child has to come out of you somehow!!! hahaha. Dad also learned how to massage and keep mom mellow, well, as mellow as possible.
Our 4th class was interesting because we watched a cesarean birth, but it was NOT what you think... they showed the prep for it, but not the actual surgery. The surgical part was more of a high-school-science-lab-type video; it was animated, but not cartoony... if that makes sense. VERY informative.... So needless to say, I'm not so much scared about that part of it either now. Which is a very good thing!! We learned more about contractions, and breathing, and what to expect when/if your water breaks and when labor starts. I really like Ms. Geri, our Nurse teaching the class. She makes you feel so comfortable and asking questions is easy because she doesn't make you feel "small" for things that you don't know.... She's awesome!
We have preregistered at the hospital, so that's one thing "done and out of the way"... hehe (Luv you Aunt Cindy). We've also registered for (but not sure if we'll get it) one of the premium birthing suites. They're crazy awesome, and mom and dad get swanky meals delivered and all sorts of perks... the down side is there are only 3 in the hospital and they're first come, first served. Plus they're an extra $$$ per night, that insurance does NOT pay for... but then again, it might be worth it to make the birth experience over-the-top! We'll just have to wait and see.
On November 12 (also Grampa Jerry's b-day) Daddy's group at work had a HUGE baby shower for him!! It was just too cute (we'll post pictures soon). We received TONS of gifts from all the special people that Daddy works with. The cake was so cute I could scream!!! It was a duck in a UF jersey with an alligator to the side - so adorable!!! Oh and Daddy also had a "corsage" he had to wear... it was a white hat that said "Lil Duck's Dad" with socks and a rattle attached.... so precious.... Just gotta love "the Judy's" and that whole group!!!

We received a bathtub, a bottle warmer, LOTS of clothes, a cute Gator jogging suit that he'll be able to wear soon, hats, shoes, socks, LOTS of handmade blankets and burp cloths and diapers. And of course, we received a biggie - our Carseat!! We love that thing!! Thank you so much to everyone for the gifts. You really mean so much to us and it warms our hearts to know that you care enough to shower us with such wonderful gifts!! Thank you!!

We started our twice weekly Non-Stress Tests (fetal monitoring), BPP (ultrasounds) and dr visits during week 32 also. We've been going to monitor the little guy to make sure he's progressing normally and to get measurements to make sure he's not too big, or too much amniotic fluid. He's been a champ!! At week 32 he was doing great, and heart and lungs looked awesome.. At 33 weeks he was doing fantastic also. He was swallowing and waving at us like he knew we were there!! We were able to get a few more 3D pictures also, so we hope you all enjoy.......So special!! God is so good!!

Week 32 was a big "growing" week for us... The little guy weighs about 3.75 pounds and is about 16.7 inches long. He is certainly trying to find more room in the womb!!! I gained a pound this week which is great because I had been losing or maintaining my weight. About half of what I gain goes right to the little guy! In fact, he'll gain a third to half of his birth weight during the next 7 weeks as he "fattens up" for his time outside. He now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz) and his skin is becoming soft and smooth as he plumps up!! Here's a picture (estimate) of him at 32 weeks.

Week 33 was another progressive week for Cason. He's a little over 4lbs now (about 4lbs 12 oz, give or take 6 oz according to Rachel, the ultrasound tech!) and he's almost 17 inches long!! No wonder I feel his kicks all over now... hehehe. His skeleton is hardening, and he's getting really plump. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and overlap, to make it easier to fit through the birth canal. Those bones won't entirely fuse until early adulthood to make room for his growing brain & tissues. Here's an "estimate" picture of him at 33 weeks (but not nearly as cute as the real thing!!! hehe).

We are so blessed, and are overwhelmed at times with the love that everyone has shown and the support that everyone has given us!! We are truly lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives!! Thank you so much.

Be sure to check back soon... we're getting close to our special day and can't wait for the holidays!!

Love, love, love,


November 19, 2009

We've got a name...

... Cason Scott Knight!

This is Dad here, I know ya'll haven't heard from me in a while so I thought I'd take the time to announce the GRAND NAMING!

After much debating we are 99% sure that we have agreed on his name. Just in case he gets here and doesn't look like a Cason OR a Scott, being his parents, we reserve the right to change that at BIRTH!

About 2 months ago Mom, BEING MOM, was worrying a little about the fact that we didn't have a name for him yet. We were throwing names out left and right and nothing seemed to jump out at us. One morning while driving in to work I was having my morning "think time" just thinking about names and trying to come up with something that you didn't see on the top 100 most commonly used names. We had talked the night before about some names and I think she was starting to get ME frustrated with the fact we didn't have a name for him either. We were listening to the radio and I heard a couple of names that we had thought about but they were on the "TOP 100". I have no idea where it came from, but I just looked at her and said, "what do you think about Cason". Not really expecting the reaction I got, she looked at me and said "I LOVE IT!" You could tell it was one that had the WOW factor that we were looking for when we heard it, but I don't think either of us were ready to officially name him that just yet. The more and more we talked about names we kept coming back to Cason and using that as a first name trying to come up with a middle name. When someone would ask if we had a name picked out we kept telling them we think we are gonna use Cason just don't have a middle name yet. The more we said that it became evident that was going to be his first name. NOW on to the middle name.

When Missy and I started talking about having children I used to think I wanted a Jr. and we would just call him DJ. After talking to a few friends who are Jr's they steered me away from it asking us to give the little guy his own identity. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to give up the DJ name. Besides, we have some friends who already have a DJ and he's one of a kind for sure [shouting out to ya Wayne and Rhonda]! With the middle name there were MANY MORE that we liked and it seemed like they all had the wow factor. Some of the girls that Missy works with asked "what's Donald's middle name", when she told them Scott, I think they gave our Son his middle name at that time. A buddy of mine at work, Stanley (who is one of the Jr's that warned me about having a Jr.) also suggested using that name.

Missy started testing the full name out by going into his room and saying "CASON SCOTT you need to clean your room up now!" The first time I heard her do that we looked at each other and realized we have named our Son. SO, there you have it! Cason Scott Knight should be here no later than January 5th, 2010.

I want to take this time and thank everyone in our lives who have blessed us with shower gifts, but most of all for the thoughts and prayers that we know you all are sending our way. I think everyone knows how truly lucky and blessed we are to be given the gift of a child, and it means the world to both Missy and I that you all are so wonderful and thoughtful. I am having a hard time expressing in words just how much I appreciate everyone in our lives!

Bye for now! I think Mom will be updating everyone on last weeks events as soon as she can!
November 12, 2009

Just another day... the office!! hehehe... Ok, so maybe not, but Mom just had to update you on Dad's handiwork.
Auntie Carol gifted us with the little guy's changing table at our couple's shower and had it delivered to our house. We just love it!! It was delivered last week, but because we couldn't get off work early enough, it's been sitting at the apartment office. We started our new work hours this week, and now we finally get off early enough to go by the office and pick it up!!
I think Dad was just as excited as I was to see it. We loaded it up on the way home when we checked the mail, and after dinner, Dad got to work putting it together. I just had to share a few pictures of his craftsmanship. He did a wonderful job!!! As soon as we get the little guy's room completely set up and cleaned, we'll post more pictures of the final product!

Just a quick note, but again, I'm so proud of Daddy, I just had to share it!!!

Love always,
November 10, 2009

Counting down.....

Welcome back!!! Mom again... Like I said before, I like bloggin'!!
Oooo... it's getting soooo close!!! We only have 9 weeks left - we're at 31 weeks and it feels like it was just yesterday when we found out we had a little one on the way!! Time really does fly by.... we are so TRULY blessed - blessed beyond measure....
On November 3, we went to our 2nd childbirth class at Baptist Hospital and this one was way more, um, informative, than the first. During this class we watched a video of an unmedicated vaginal birth, and WOW those women are strong... In my mind (and I might have mentioned this before), I was going to have a 1950's birth - you know, go to the hospital, go to sleep, wake up and then the baby is there!! TA-DA!!! I'm finding out that that's not really and option now.... hahaha.... Originally I was considering natural childbirth, but now, I am pretty sure I'm keeping my options open.... We pray about it everyday!!! =o)
Wednesday the 4th we were supposed to start an Expectant Parent Training class at church. (Anyone else think it's funny that the initials are EPT for a parenting class?! hahaha) Dr. Steve Johnson is a member of the church and is also a pediatrician. He teaches this class for expectant first-time parents to basically prepare them for their new arrival. The class usually consist of topics like feeding the baby, childproofing, shots, sleep patterns, development, and anything else the parents can think of to ask.....Well, when we arrived (and we were sure there were other couples) we thought, maybe they were all late, or they're out on a tour of the infant areas of the church. Nope, it's just us!!! That can be a good and bad thing..... Bad because there are no other parents in the class to bounce topics off of and get additional information from; Good because we have one on one time with a pediatrician for an hour each week before our little boy comes!! So we're choosing to look at it in a positive light!
We met with a "potential" pediatrician for our little guy on Thursday, Dr. Patricia Robinson of Goodlettsville Pediatrics. We really liked the office, and the staff was wonderful with everyone, parents & patients alike. They have separate waiting areas for well and sick children and a special waiting area for newborns - I really liked that! It was hard to sit and wait for Dr. Robinson while hearing some of the little ones get their flu shots. One little boy cried and panicked so much that it had ME in tears!! The only thing that helped was that the movie Cars was on in the waiting room - you have to love 'Mater!! =o)
Friday was a slow day, just off to work, then to Walmart for a few things, then home. We love those days! We also found out that my sister and her family (Aunt Chrissy, Uncle Johnny, cousin Johnny and cousin Abigail) are moving back to Tennessee from Montana very soon. My brother-in-law has completed his time in the Air Force and they will be back BEFORE our little boy is born. Originally they were going to stay in Montana until after the first of the year, but looks like things have been moved up on the time line. We're really excited!!
We spent the day Saturday watching football and cleaning and "nesting". I was really trying to get all of the little guy's laundry done - clothes, sheets, blankets, all that stuff - so that it could be folded or hung up and put away. Between that, and cleaning, I was pooped by about 4:00. That was a VERY long day!!! But I was able to pull it together by game time - Florida and Vandy played at 6:15!! And once again, a win is a win is a win - Gators beat the 'Dores 27-3!! Winning never gets old, hehehe....=o)
Sunday was such a lazy day for us. I was really sore from doing way too much (yes Daddy, you were right) and throughout the night Saturday night into Sunday morning I was in some serious pain. Hips were hurting, and my back and ribs were sore. Taking one Tylenol seemed to help, but not quite enough. So we spent most of the day on the loveseat propped up with pillows and Daddy took good care of us. He made breakfast (and that included coffee, which he does NOT drink - Go daddy!!) and went to pick up lunch for us also! Mommy and the little boy were really spoiled that day!! So to thank him, and because we were feeling better, we made Swedish meatballs for dinner - YUM!!!
The sweet little guy at 31 weeks is still growing like a weed!! He's already about 16 inches long and weighs about 3.3 pounds (that's about the same size at 4 navel oranges!!!) He's apparently in a grown spurt now because he's starting to plump up in his arms, legs and body. He can turn his head side to side too. He's starting to move around a lot now, including kicks, hiccups, and what feels like jumping jacks!! That's good though because it's a sign the little guy is active and healthy!! Here's a picture of what he might look like at 31 weeks - so sweet!!!

Check in with us next week!!! Starting at 32 weeks we begin our twice weekly visits for ultrasounds and fetal monitoring on Tuesdays and dr visits on Thursdays. We're really excited to be able to see the little guy again.. We may even be able to get another 3D picture (but we're not making any promises!).
Love you all,
Mom (and lil duck too, of course)
November 9, 2009

Playing "catch-up"...

Hello again!!! It's just mom this time.... We're doing our best to play catch-up on the blog and get things updated.. We've gotten so caught up in everyday life (so much is going on) that we keep forgetting to let everyone know what's going on in our little world.
Well, Weeks 29 and 30 were pretty awesome. I call them the calm before the storm, because I KNOW that this "down time" will end soon enough... (at least, when other's say it to me, they're comment is "just you wait!")... that's just it, I CAN'T wait!!! hehehe
Seems like we do ALOT of laundry lately, washing clothes, and little socks and blankets in preparation for our little one. I love folding baby socks - they're so tiny they look like little cotton nuggets!! TOO CUTE!!!
Week 29 was another week of no dr's appointments. That's always strange to me for some reason, because I had been getting used to going quite often... Again "the calm before the storm".... We've been home from work at a pretty decent hour, and it's nice to just get home, cook dinner, and cuddle on couch with full tummys!! Early bedtimes are really appreciated nowadays too!! =o) We forgot to mention in the last post that Daddy finished putting together the little man's dresser and it's so precious... it's perfect and exactly what we needed. He's so spoiled already!!

Daddy also started working on the pantry that we ordered for the kitchen - we needed ALOT more space in the new place. The old apartment had about twice the amount of cabinet space so we decided to get a small stand alone pantry, for additional storage. It's awesome, and being short, I love that it's not too tall!!

On Saturday the 24th, we were in full nesting mode! Ok, so I was, and I think I dragged Daddy into it with me.... before I knew it, we were doing laundry, stripping the bed, washing blankets, cleaning bathrooms, rearranging storage closets - it was crazy!! But Daddy was awesome - he just went with the flow, putting up with my "spells".... Luckily I didn't interrupt alot of football!! hahaha. It helped too that the Gators had a night game against Mississippi State, so I had a plan to finish well before the game started. Daddy managed to get the little guy's bouncy seat AND highchair put together too.... That was so sweet to see him working so hard on them!

We finally decided to call it a day and ordered pizza and watched the game... The Gators put a beat down on the Bulldogs 29-19 at MSU (as usual, I was nervous about that game)! The Jags had a bye week on Sunday, so we were lazy dogs that day!! But we needed it to recover from the day before!
On Tuesday the 27th, we had a dr's appointment with another one of the dr's within the practice. This appointment was with Dr. Storck (yeah, I know, we thought it too!!) and she's really cool. Reminded me and Daddy of Krista and Kerrie - except older, and taller and way blonder!! hehehehe...... This was just a routine visit, just to check weight, and blood pressure, and measure... all is well in the little guy's world...
Our childbirth classes at Baptist Hospital started on the 27th also. I was really excited about it a few weeks ago, but for some reason, that day, I started to get really, really nervous. All I kept thinking was "he's gotta get out somehow!!". The class seemed to alleviate some fears about childbirth, and even Daddy seemed to enjoy himself quite a bit. The ratio of boys to girls in our class is a little one-sided though. There are 2 unknowns (the couples are not finding out what they're having), 3 boys, and 9 girls! We're sooo outnumbered!!! We keep promising the parents of the girls, that we'll keep the boys away!!! hahahaha.....
We headed home to Florida for our last trip on October 30 for Halloween with Emma & Cole, to watch the Florida/Georgia game, and for our couple's shower that Danny, Holly & Carol were hosting. The trip down was very nice because we woke up early (I think around 4 or 4:30) and hit the road REALLY early - we never do that!! We were in Macclenny by 2:00 or so!! It was great!!!
Saturday the 31st, we had breakfast and hung out with the kiddos for a while, then we got prepared for gametime. The annual Florida/Georgia game was on at 3:30 and we were all at Gamma & Gaga's for the game. By halftime (around 5 ish), the kids went home to get ready for Halloween, and then headed back to Gamma & Gaga's to show off their costumes. Emma was a "sparkle fairy" and Cole (after much coaxing) was Superman! Emma looked like a doll and Cole starting posing, showing us his muscles!!! Too cute!! We gave them goody bags with cookies and caramel apples and a UF football Pez dispenser, and of course C-A-N-D-Y!!! They headed out to trick or treat, and we finished watching the game. The Gators won, beating the Bulldogs 41-17 with Tim Tebow breaking the touchdown record of 50 set by Herschel Walker!!! It was a great day!!!

On Sunday the 1st, Danny, Holly & Carol hosted a couple's baby shower for us at D&H's house. We grilled out, watched the Jags and Titans play, and got a chance to visit with family friends we hadn't seen in quite a while. Charles & Dianne came and it was so great to see them!! Just love catching up with Chuck & his new bride (married 2 years, I think) is just precious. She fits in perfectly with the family. Also, Jason, Krista, Kerrie, Evan and Drew came, and we haven't seen them in what seems like years!!! Evan is getting so big, and Drew with those sweet eyes will just melt your heart!!! We received some wonderful gifts - like the camouflage diaper bag, and Jaguar onesie jersey (Mojo D. of course!) were just awesome!!

Luckily Daddy and I were off of work on Monday, so that made for a nice ride home. No rush to get home to be anywhere; just a nice leisurely drive back. It was definitely time for some shut eye when we got home. Daddy & I were pooped.. those trips seem to get longer and longer the further along this pregnancy goes... Daddy says "I'm tired of looking at I-75", and I think I'm starting to agree!!! It'll be nice to stay at home for a while now and focus on getting ready to bring our little one home.
Week 29 was pretty awesome...(but then again, they all are really!!) The little guy weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is just over 15 inches long from head to heel (and I feel it in my ribs almost every day now!!). His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. His bones are also soaking up lots of calcium right now!! Isn't that awesome?!?!?! This is a pic of what he possibly looks like at 29 weeks.

The 30th week was a big one also. The little guy is about 15.7 inches long now, and he weighs almost 3 pounds (someone told me that's like a head of cabbage in your belly!!!!). His eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very clear. Even after he's born, he'll keep his eyes closed for a good part of the day. When he does open them, he'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision..... That is just way too cool to me!!! Here's a picture of him at 30 weeks.

That's all for now, but we'll check back in soon to update everyone again really soon!! We just love blogging, so keep in touch!!
Love, love, love,
Mommy (& Lil duck)
November 3, 2009

Wow I'm getting big!!

Hey everybody... Hope all is well in your world. Mom, Dad and Lil Duck are doing great. We've been having fun tossing around names, and taking it easy... Hard to believe we're heading into weeks 27 and 28!! Little guy is just growing before our eyes!!
It's been a nice week or so at our new house. Getting settled, still unpacking a few stray boxes. Everything seems to be finding it's spot, which is great for Mom because she not a fan of clutter!! Wow, this baby is gonna ROCK her world!! hehehe. We've been getting comfy, enjoying nothing going on this week. No Dr's appointments, which is really rare, and finishing up what feels like the 50th load of laundry! Lil duck's closet is starting to get full of sweet, tiny, adorable clothes!! We even finished up our registry's at WalMart and Target. Think we still have a few things to look at at Babies R Us, but we're working on it!
We planned another trip back to Florida this week. David, CJ, Kaitlin and Bryan even headed down from Charlotte for this trip!!! Clayton was coming home from AIT in El Paso, and this is our last chance to see him and spend some time with him before he heads overseas to Korea for a year. Its sad that he'll be gone for so long, but he'll be in great hands. I'm not sure that we've told him enough how grateful we are for his service. Every day he serves makes our country that much safer. Thank you Clayton!! We also got to meet his friend Ryan who came to hang out with him for the weekend, and he's just precious!! He fits in great with the whole family. Hey guy!! =o)

On Saturday the 10th we went to our nephew Cole's 3rd birthday party and had so much fun!!! It was such a blast to hang out with the little guy - he seemed so excited to have everyone at his house to see him!! Danny & Holly had an inflatable water slide for the kids, and we had cornhole set up for the adults... we played outside, and inside, then ate WAY too much food, opened presents & ate lots of cake!!! It was great!!! Just what a 3 year old's birthday party should be!! He loved having the "Lightnin' Keen" birthday cake that his mom made.. She did a great job!!!

Later that day we stayed at Danny & Holly's and watched the Florida/LSU game. Mom was a bundle of nerves for this game for some reason - hey, I mean, it was a BIG game... Tim Tebow did start (as many thought he would) and played a heck of a game too... Gators win!!!! 13-3!! "Best thing about 6-0 is you get to play for 7-0!".... So sing a song for the Orange and Blue!!!
On Sunday the Jags played Seattle and we all chilled out at Gamma & Gaga's. That was fun because we definitely needed our rest from Saturday!! I am pretty sure we stayed in our pj's for quite a while that day!! The following day we loaded up the car (again) and hit the road (again) to head home to get back into our normal (somewhat) routine..... We hated to say goodbye to Clayton, that was really hard!!! But he's excited about going overseas, so we're doing our best, despite our sadness....
During week 28 we had another big Dr's appointment. On October 13th, we had a chance to have a 3D ultrasound and see our little boy close up and in person. He's just so beautiful & we just marvel at the wonders God has made! We ARE truly blessed!! We also met with Dr. Lipsitz and she seems to agree - he's awesome!! hahaha.. Ok, well she actually said that everything looks great, and we're doing very well in our pregnancy. We have the diabetes well controlled, and although he's measuring a little big, he's happy and healthy! YEA!!

We also went by Tiffanie's office and dropped off our Blood sugar readings for the week. She called later in the day to let us know that she and Dr. Weirum didn't see any reason for any changes in our insulin routine. So for now, we're just trucking right along.... Again, it's been a very uneventful, eventful journey!!! =o)
Saturday the 17th was Daddy's birthday, and he turned the big 39!!! YEA!! Unfortunately, he had to work ushering the Vandy/Georgia game, and was stuck at Vanderbilt from 8 am to 3 pm (and it was COLD!!!).. BOO!!! But when he got home he was able to watch the Florida/Arkansas game, eat up a bunch of homemade chili and cornbread and then chill out!! GO GATORS!!! We eeked out a win 23-20, adding another win to our quest for an undefeated season!!! Two bits, four bits, six bits, a dollar! All for the Gators, stand up and hollar!!! WOO HOO!!
The rest of the weekend was spent cleaning (ok, so it was nesting, but Mom just had to get it done) and starting on assembly of Lil Ducks crib and dresser. Hopefully we'll have it done very soon. His clothes and toys are ready to move in!!! hehehe

Our little guy has really started to hit a big growth spurt- by week 27 he weighs almost 2 pounds!!! Like a head of cauliflower and he's about 14 1/2 inches long - legs extended!!! Sure does explain the "foot in the ribs" thing!! hehehe. He's been sleeping and waking at regular intervals, and possibly sucking his fingers. His brain is really active now, but his lungs are still a little immature. And he's getting the hiccups more frequently now too. They actually tickle from time to time. He's a shot of what he possibly looks like at 27 weeks...

The 28th week was a real fun time for us, especially with our Dr visit. This is the start of our third trimester!!! HOLY COW!!! Little guy is still packing on weight, and is about 2 1/4 pound now!! He's also about 14.8 inches long from head to heel. He's blinking his eyes and actually has eyelashes now!! He may actually be able to see the light that filters through Mommy's belly!!! So cool!!! He's adding more body fat in prep for life on "the outside"!! You can see him (above) at 28 weeks in the 3D Ultrasound.
Couldn't you just sit there for hours on end and just look at him???? We did!!! It just keeps getting better and better!! God is so good!!
Ok, that's all for now, but we'll be back really soon with another update for everyone!!
Love, love, love,
Daddy, Mommy & Lil Duck
October 9, 2009

Hidey ho!!!

Hey everyone.... what a busy time it has been in our house!!! Still getting settled in our new "digs" and slowly getting everything in it's place.
We wanted to update everyone on the little man and how he's been doing during weeks 25 and 26. Mom is convinced that he's swimming in circles because he gets more and more active everyday!!!
We started out week 25 driving home from Florida. On September 19, Yaya and all the "aunts" had a huge baby shower for us at Yaya's church. There was soooo much food, I don't even think I had a chance to sample it all! The cake was fantastic (and adorable!), and the company was even better!!! We got to see friends we hadn't seen in soooo long (Haley & Ms. Sherri!!!) and family too (Sue, Shanna, Aunt Cynthia, Melissa - the list goes on and on!!!).

We are truly blessed (beyond measure) to have received such wonderful gifts!!! Gamma knitted him a beautiful blanket with matching hats, that are just too cute for words. We received a highchair from Aunty Cathy, Renee, Michelle & Steffie!!! Aunt Cynthia, Melissa, Kristi, and Tiffany even gave him his bedding that we had registered for - it's ALL boy and just too adorable! We can't wait for him to get here to see it all too!!

On Saturday afternoon, we went to Gamma & Gaga's to watch the Florida vs. Tennessee game. Daddy was at the game with Uncle Danny - they left EARLY that morning to go - and they had so much fun! But then again, when is going to a Gator game NOT fun, ya know?! Auntie Carol, Aunt Holly, Emma & Cole were there also (its so fun to hang out with them!!!) We all watched the Gators pretty much put a spanking on the Vols and won 23-13! What a great game!!! Later on in the day, we ate dinner and it was yum yum yummy, as usual! We never leave Gamma & Gaga's hungry, that's for darn sure!!! hahaha.

On Sunday we got up early and headed to Jacksonville for the Jag game against the Arizona Cardinals. We always have so much fun tailgating with everyone and getting ready for the games. Mom even made sure to get up early, so that everyone wasn't waiting on her to get ready - she takes forever (sorry Mommy, but you do!!!)!!! {Dolly Parton has the two best quotes in Steel Magnolias and I live by them - "There is no such thing as natural beauty" and "It takes some effort to look like this"!! hahaha} Anyway, we got to the parking area to tailgate just in time for the rain to come - and then go away - and then come back again - and then go away for us to walk to the stadium. It was great but the heat was a little too much, so Mom had to go to the tunnel to cool off just before halftime. (Snowcones are wonderful things!!!) The Jags ended up losing to the Cardinals, but we still had fun and really enjoyed ourselves. It was great getting to go to the game with everyone!!

Monday (Sept 21) was Auntie Carol's birthday!!! Luckily we didn't have to leave until later in the morning, so we had a chance to hang out with her for a little while before we had to hit the road again and head home. After a fun visit, we always hate the drive home. It seems to take so much longer than getting down there!! =o)

Later in the week we went on our first daycare visit. Tracey Wiseman, a friend of a friend, is the director of a daycare facility in Goodlettsville and offered to give us a tour of the facility and answer any questions we might have. She knew we were new at all this "baby stuff" and was so warm and welcoming!! The daycare, Bright Horizons, was precious and all the staff seemed so wonderful. We will definitely have to keep Bright Horizons in consideration. We were told though to look around and find what WE feel will be the perfect fit for our little man. When we see it, we'll know. So for now, we're making a list from all the information Tracey gave us, to shop around and find the next facility we want to visit. She was a GREAT help!!

On Thursday the 24th, Gamma & Gaga came up to visit. We were all going to the Florida- Kentucky game on Saturday but of course it's nice to get to your destination early so you have some time to "recover" from the trip!!! On Friday we had an awesome dinner at Longhorn (our favorite) and then headed home for an early bedtime. Then on Saturday, it was up with the chickens because we had a GAMEDAY to get to!!!! woo hoo!!!

Saturday morning we headed to Lexington to watch the Gators play the Kentucky Wildcats! I'm not sure if Gamma & Gaga had ever been to a Gator away game, but Mommy hadn't! That was so much fun, I cannot even tell you!!! Our friends Greg & Kim met us at the Kentucky state line and followed us to Lexington. We checked into our hotel, then went to have lunch at Rafferty's. The food & fellowship were fantastic! We even ran into a group of Kentucky fans that gave us their parking pass!! We were so surprised by that - great hospitality from the KY fans!!! All of us said that we would definitely come back to Lexington for another game.

The game was awesome, but when Timmy went down with that concussion and didn't move, the entire stadium went from cheering for a great hit, to complete silence. I'd never seen anything like it! When he finally did get up, the entire stadium cheered - seems like almost everyone loves that young man!! He ended up going to the hospital overnight for observation, but it was a scary time! The Gators beat the Wildcats 41-7 and we had a blast!!!

On Sunday, we all headed back home. Of course, we stopped by Cracker Barrel for breakfast - the breakfast of champions!!! hahaha.... Then Gaga got us home just in time for kickoff of the Jaguar game. The Jags were playing the Texans and although it wasn't on TV we did get to hear it on the satellite radio. Plus every now and then, it was on the Red Zone on NFL network. So we didn't get to watch the entire game, but we did get to see clips....

The following week was supposed to be a very relaxing one!! We didn't have to pack to go anywhere!! We had a dr's appointment on Monday to visit Dr. Strnad. She was one of the dr's in the practice that Dr. Lipsitz wanted us to visit. In the event that Dr. Lipsitz isn't available to deliver our little guy, she wanted us to be familiar with some of the other dr's that might be taking her place. Dr. Strnad was very nice, and personable and seemed very bubbly. We liked that!! Our visit was quick and painless as usual. Mommy had lost a pound but was still measuring a little big, so Dr. Strnad scheduled an ultrasound on Oct 13 (our next appt) just to follow up.

We also faxed our blood sugar readings to Tiffanie on Monday. She called later that day and said that although the readings looked ok, she and Dr. Weirum wanted to increase the morning insulin to 20 units. That should help keep my lunchtime readings lower also. The dinner insulin might be increased to 12 units depending on if they were higher also, but Tiffanie left that up to Mommy to decide if we needed to increase that dose. So starting Tuesday the 29th, we increased our morning insulin.

By Thursday morning, Oct 1, I (Mom) had noticed that the little man hadn't been moving around as much as usual. He was moving, but just seemed really lethargic and slow; not the usual jabs and kicks that I had been getting. So just as a precaution, I called the dr's office, and they requested that I come in and have his fetal heartbeat checked. We were at the dr's office at 9:45am and they had us hooked up to the monitor for about 30 minutes to make sure he was doing ok. After being monitored for about 5 minutes, he started kicking and moving like he usually does, and that was a big relief for Mom. Daddy says that he was just being like his Mommy and showing out because she had an audience!!! I wasn't worried, but I was concerned because I knew that something didn't feel right. Dr. Lipsitz thinks it was because my insulin was increased by a significant dosage that it may have just slowed him down for a bit to adjust to the increase. We left the doctors office very relieved and happy that we contacted them for advice.

Week 25 was a big one..... Head to foot he's about 13 1/2 inches long!!! He weighs about a pound and a half (about the size of a rutabaga)!!!! He's starting to add some baby fat to fill out too!!! He's starting to grow more hair also, but you really can't tell the color or texture yet. He's starting to become quite the roly poly, wiggling around - sometimes for comfort, sometimes for attention!! hahaha.... Here is a glimpse of what he looks like at 25 weeks.

At 26 weeks, he's weighing about a pound and 2/3 and is about 14 inches long!!! OMG!!! The nerves in his ears are better developed and more sensitive than before. It's possible that he can hear both Mommy & Daddy's voices when we talk to each other. His lungs also continue to develop and he is practicing breathing movements to get him ready for his first gulp of air. Plus, as for his little boy parts, the testicles are starting to descend into his scrotum, which could take about 2-3 days. Here's a picture of what me may look like at 26 weeks.

We are just so thankful and grateful to have friends and family that care so much for us, all three of us!!! Thanks for keeping up with us... we'll have more for you later!!
Mommy, Daddy & Lil Duck

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