Cason's Big Adventures

Cason's Big Adventures

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Sweet Boy!!


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December 22, 2009

36 weeks & counting!!!

WOW!! Time really DOES fly when you're having fun, huh?! Can't believe it's almost here....
We just LOVE hearing all the little sayings of "wow, you've dropped!" and "man, he could come at any time, huh?!"..... What a miracle & a blessing!! We're eagerly anticipating the little man's arrival so we'll give you an update on weeks 36 and 37.
We finished our last Childbirth Class at Baptist on December 8 and loved every minute of it. They gave us a diploma and everything, so I guess they're going to let us have a baby now!! hahaha. I mean, what happens if you flunk that kind of class?... hmm... just something to think about! =o)
We were supposed to meet with Dr. Johnson for our parenting class at church on the 9th, but he had an emergency with a patient, so we had to cancel class. But we plan on meeting next week, so we'll be able to catch up then. We really like Dr. Johnson and (in case I haven't mentioned it before) I think we've decided on him as our pediatrician. He's so easy to talk to (for both of us) and either one of us would feel comfortable taking the little guy to see him. Plus he's a big football fan (University of Arkansas) and golf fan (he marshals a hole at the Master's every year!) so he's pretty awesome!
It was kind of a slow week for us, because with the holidays coming up, we've made a point to try and rest and not run ourselves ragged. Most of this week was just dr's appointments and classes.
On December 11, we had an appointment for another ultrasound (BPP) and a visit with Dr. Rossell again. We found out that the little guy is measuring just a little bigger than last week, but didn't get an exact weight. Happy and healthy and that's good to hear!! Mom found out that she tested positive for Group B Strep (GBS) but it's nothing to really be concerned about. About 50% of the population has it and it's no big deal, but the dr's don't want it being passed to the baby. So, when and if Mom's water breaks, we have to head to the hospital immediately instead of being able to labor at home until contractions are closer together. By testing positive for GBS, they will have to give Mom 2 rounds of antibiotics before we give birth. No biggie, just another part of the adventure!!!
Saturday was a bit boring but it was nice because we didn't have anything to do.... Yes, it was nice but we're so used to having football that we were somewhat out of sorts most of the day.. But it was so nice to sleep in and get some rest and just relax all day! We did a little shopping for the baby too and that's always fun!!
Sunday the 13th we did more shopping for the little man after church - and after Cracker Barrel of course!!! hahaha. We were able to get the little guys swing AND pack-n-play and that was so fun!! You gotta LOVE gift cards!!! hehehe... Like Yogi Berra said in the old AFLAC commercials "and that's just as good as money!"... hahaha =o)
We had another appointment at the dr's office on Tuesday the 15th for a NST. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, and hear him kick the monitors. It's so funny!! He's so still sometimes, our little mellow fellow, and other times, he kicks the monitor like it's a soccer ball!! Today though he was really active. Mom found that a small glass of lemonade and a cookie about an hour before your appointment makes ALL the difference!! hahaha.. Yep, get him on a sugar high!!!
Wednesday the 16th was Sweet Cousin Emma's birthday and she turned 6 years old!!! WOW!! Hard to believe that she's 6 already!! I remember when we went to Tallahassee for Christmas right after she was born and she was just about the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I wanted to smooch her all the time!!! She's such a big girl now and she's in Kindergarten and is just so precocious and bright and funny!! Just love her to pieces!!! Happy Birthday Em!!

Thursday night we watched the Jags and Indy play and that was such a great game!!! The Jags almost pulled out an upset and beat the undefeated Colts. How awesome would THAT have been!?!?!?!?!

We had another dr appointment on Friday for an ultrasound (BPP) and follow up with Dr. Brown. We hadn't met Dr. Brown yet, and he was the last dr in the practice that Dr. Lipsitz wanted us to visit with. Dr. Brown is actually the person that brought the dr's in this practice together. He seems very laid back and "old school" plus he's the only male doctor in the office, so I'm sure that adds to his mellow-ness. The BPP looked good and the little man is still measuring 8 for 8 (meaning that he's doing everything he should be doing - practice breathing, measuring just right, amniotic fluid is good, heart and lungs look good). He's around 7lbs 5oz right now, give or take a few ounces... He's a big boy that's for sure!! Yea - chubby baby!!!

At 36 weeks, the little guy is still packing on weight, about an ounce a day, give or take. He should weigh approximately 6lbs, is more than 18 1/2 inches long and is shedding most of the down hair covering his body. At the end of the 36th week, the baby is considered full term and is most likely in a head-down position. Still no problems with sleeping, or eating or getting around, but the ankles are starting to swell just a little and we're drinking LOTS of water!! Here's a pic of what he might look like at 36 weeks.

At 37 weeks, the little guy could come at any time, but it's ok because his lungs are fully developed and he could easily adjust to life outside the womb. He should weigh approximately 6 1/3 lbs and is about 19 inches long head to heel. It's also possible that the little one could be born with a full head of hair, even up to 1 1/2 inches long. We'll have to keep an eye out for any signs of possible red or blond hair!! Here's a pic of what he could look like at 37 weeks.

We're going to do our best to update everyone as Christmas gets closer on how we're doing. So far, so good. Mom is feeling great, Dad is doing great also and we're both very excited and anxious for our little miracle to make his debut!
Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Love you all,
Dad, Mom & Cason (AKA Lil Duck)
December 3, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

We're so happy it's finally Turkey day!!! (Mom here with the latest.....) That means we are that much closer to our little guy making his debut into the world. We're trying not to get too anxious, but we're very excited!!
Weeks 34 & 35 were busy for us all because we had SO MUCH going on and LOTS of family in town. It was a short work week for Mom & Dad - just working Monday, Tuesday and 1/2 a day Wednesday - and it was awesome!! Gamma, Gaga, Auntie Carol and Oakley came to visit and we had SO much fun!!! Everyone arrived on Tuesday and it was unpack-then-chill-out-time....
Ah....vacation had begun!!!
On Wednesday afternoon, we all met for lunch at Burger King and then Gamma & Auntie Carol went with us (Mom & Dad) to our dr's appointment. (Gaga was waiting in the van listing to Rush Limbaugh!!! hehe) We had an appointment that day for an ultrasound and a visit with Dr. Lipsitz. That was lots of fun because not only did everyone get to meet our dr that will deliver our baby, but they were able to be there for the ultrasound as well. They were able to see him rolling, moving, squirming and in general just having a good time in his little confined apartment. Gamma & Auntie Carol were just too cute with their "Ooohs", "Ahhhs" and general "Too Cool" comments... We were so glad that they could be part of that!!
Dr. Lipsitz again said that everything is progressing normally. Blood pressure and blood sugars look good, weight is good, amniotic fluid is good (a little higher than normal, but with the gestational diabetes, higher IS normal) and the little guy is still growing very well - not too big or too small. That's always good to hear!! We're still on for January 5, but we're taking it week by week to see how it goes. YEA!!
After our dr's appointment, we all (including Gaga) loaded up and headed over to Gaylord Opryland to go to the ICE! exhibit. This year it was a new theme "A Charlie Brown Christmas" and Mom has been antsy to get over there to see it!! We only waited in line about 15 minutes and then we were "in" and yes I'm sure I'm biased, but it was FAN-FLIPPIN-TASTIC!!! There was even a slide made entirely of ice - Dad, Gaga & Auntie Carol rode it and they giggled like 5 year-olds!!!!The entire Charlie Brown Christmas story sculpted in ice.. it was only 9 degrees and it was so great... (I promise to get pictures posted as soon as I can.) At the end of the exhibit is a Nativity scene sculpted from ice also and it was just gorgeous... it sparkled like glass and was so beautiful!!

(Auntie Carol was taking the picture!!)

After ICE! we walked over to the Opryland Hotel and walked for a while looking at all the spectacular lights. Waaaaaay too many to try to count!!! But it really puts you in the Christmas spirit to see them all. "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you goooooooo".... hehehe...... We left Opryland Hotel and drove to Longhorn for dinner and had a yummy meal, then headed home to get some rest... we were pooped from all of our activities of the day, but it was soooo worth it!! Fun exhaustion is the best!! =o)

Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, was awesome because the house smelled like FOOD all day long!! Gaga cooked a turkey and we had ham, green beans, sweet potatoes, mac-n-cheese, and rolls.... I know we had more, but I guess I'm still "turkey drunk" and can't remember... hahaha. Oh and pies - Apple and Pumpkin Pies.... YUM!! To say we ate like kings would be an understatement!! hahaha...

Friday morning (Black Friday) was NOT an early one in our house. We had planned to do a little shopping, but I wasn't going to be able to be one of those "at the stores at 3 am waiting in line" folks this year. I HAD to get some sleep after spending all day eating the day before! haha. Gamma, Auntie Carol and I did venture out later on though, probably around 1 or 2, and we were back by 5 (I think). We hit about 4 or 5 stores, but after being out in the crowds and traffic, it just takes too much out of you, energy-wise, so we decided to call it a day... We had gotten some pretty darn good bargains too, so it was a very productive trip! =o)

The rest of the weekend was spent watching LOTS of football, and finishing up the leftovers! What's so nice about the long Thanksgiving weekend is you have two days to eat and go-go-go, then you still have the actual weekend to lay around and be lazy and recover!!! Plus it helps to have a houseful to help clean out the fridge!! hehe.

Monday the 30th we had to head back to work (boo!) and Gamma, Gaga, Auntie Carol and Oakley had to head home. We were sad to see them go because we love having them come visit. Maybe sometime soon we'll have more comfortable furniture that doesn't swallow each person when they sit down on it!! hahaha. Gamma needed just as much help getting up off the couch and I did!! haha. Plus it was so nice to have Oakley there - there's nothing like Puppy Lovin'!!

Tuesday, the 1st we had another NST scheduled and everything went great. We started week 35 that day and we were anxious to hear our little guy moving around. He had had a very active few days prior, so we were curious if he would be that active at the dr's office too. His heart rate was holding steady around 146-156 bpm, and he was just kicking away. He loves to kick/punch/grab at the monitors and make the loud knocking sounds. Terri, the tech who does our testing, says that sometimes to the little ones, that monitor is like cat nip and they just reach out at it!! It was too cute!!
Tuesday night was our next-to-last Childbirth Class at Baptist and we really had a good time (as usual). We got a chance to tour the maternity area, including getting to visit and actual Labor and Delivery Room. We also had a chance to tour the nursery area, and see the lactation boutique, which is where you can go with any questions about breastfeeding or get any supplies you might need. It was awesome to see where our little man will make his debut to the world!! Also, seeing where we would be helped get rid of some of the the nervousness of the unknown when it comes "GO TIME"!! We stayed after class a little later with some other couples to practice our breathing and pushing techniques. We really like our instructor Ms. Geri, and she makes our classes so fun!!
We had a GREAT day on Wednesday the 2nd. I had a baby shower at work, and it was so completely overwhelming!!! (Yes, I cried!!! hahaha) We received so many wonderful things from so many thoughtful and gracious friends that we've worked with over the last several years!! We received LOTS of homemade gifts like burp cloths, and blankets and quilts. We also received LOTS of things we had registered for like our potty training potty, receiving blankets, sleeping wedges, and bottles. My group also gave us our travel system which includes the stroller AND the car seat!!! I couldn't believe it!!! It was so generous of them to do that and I was just overwhelmed with emotion.. it meant so much to me (and Dad of course) for them to be so thoughtful and giving!! Words just can't say how appreciative we are!! Truly blessed, just truly, truly blessed!!! =o)
We had another dr's appointment on Friday the 4th for a BPP to measure the little guy, and a follow up with Dr. Rossell. She's one of the dr's that we haven't met in the practice yet. The BPP went really well and the little guy wasn't as active that day which was kind of nice because usually he's all over the place!! hahaha. I like to think he gets excited knowing that we're going to see him!! Looks like he's still measuring a little ahead of his due date and is around 6lbs or so (WOW!!!) He had a restful day that day, so he was very "chill"... He was our Mellow Fellow that day!!
Our SOS softball team Christmas party was Friday night and the whole team (minus a few that had prior commitments) went to Brad's house. As usual, the food & company were great!! There were a few guys and wives that we hadn't seen in quite a while! Some because we hadn't seen them since the end of ball season in August. Some because we go to services at church at different times and just miss one another. We ate some awesome food catered by Black Eyed Pea (love that place!!) and of course they had banana pudding, YUM!!! Then we played Dirty Santa and of course Scott had to put a picture of himself in the mix... He's just not right, bless his heart!! hahaha.. but you've gotta know Scott... to know him is to love him.. I think!! hahaha... =o)
On Saturday the 5th we woke up early and headed down to Atlanta to see Uncle Danny & Aunt Holly for the SEC championship game of Florida vs. Alabama. Our road trip started out a little, well, difficult because it had snowed some south of Nashville and we got sort of stuck in "snow traffic" on the way down - took about 3 hours to get to Monteagle.... NOT a fun part of the trip!! But once we were past Manchester, it was smooth sailing - COLD but smooth!! hahaha.
We finally made it into Atlanta about 2 hours before game time. We had plenty of time to park (about 300 yards away) & walk to the Georgia Dome and get a late lunch before the game started. It did not end well for the Gators (we lost 32-13 to a VERY GOOD Alabama team), so I don't really have alot to say about the game. We were sad. It was hard to watch at times. It stung, ALOT! ... but the company was great & it was awesome to see Uncle Danny & Aunt Holly one last time before the little man arrives. We spent the night in Atlanta (love, love, love the Embassy Suites) and then headed home Sunday at noon listening to the Jags and Houston play...
HOLY COW - we'll be 36 weeks along on Tuesday!!! WOW!! God is so good!!
As far as development, week 34 he continues to put on "baby" fat and fill out. He "should" be weighing in at about 4 3/4 lbs (the size of a cantaloupe) and is about 18 inches long. His skin is getting smoother and his central nervous system is maturing. His lungs are also maturing which is awesome. If he's born between now and 37 weeks, his lungs are developed enough that he shouldn't have any issues. This is a likeness of what he may look like at 34 weeks.

By Week 35, he's running out of room in there!!! Rolling around and moving is getting a little more difficult for him. He should be tipping the scales at around 5 1/4 lbs ( the size of a honeydew melon) and a little over 18 inches. He's kicking up a storm, but the somersaults aren't as frequent because the space is limited. His kidneys are fully developed now and his liver can process some waste products. Most of his basic physical development is now complete!! Now we just wait, pray and wonder!! This is a likeness of what he might look like at 35 weeks.

Time is getting short.... He'll be here before we know it!! God is Great and we can't thank HIM enough for the wonderful opportunity to be parents. Not a day goes by that I'm not reminded of how great He is and how blessed WE are!!!

Until next time.... Love, love, love,


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Hello World!
Cason Scott Knight has arrived!!

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